Florida Events

Florida Christian Writers Conference
Lake Yale Conference Center, Leesburg, FL
October 22 – 26, 2025
Jessica Everson, Conference Manager
Email: [email protected]

Click HERE to register for FCWC 2025
Registration is OPEN—join us!

Click HERE to see the growing list of faculty!
Click HERE to see the 2024 Schedule!
Click HERE to see the 2025 Scholarships!


FAQs: Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center is not a luxury hotel; it is a well-kept conference center in the heart of Central Florida. Here you will discover bits and pieces of old Florida. The rooms do not come equipped with hair dryers, shampoo & conditioner, etc. Be sure to pack you own.

Meal times are not determined by FCWC by LYBCC. Please do not ask us to change them. :)

Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center offers a wide variety of food for all meals, which are included in your conference payment, including gluten-free items and some sugar-free desserts. Some conferees with a wide variety of food allergies opt to bring their own food. LYBCC has always been accommodating with this.

INTERESTED IN TEACHING AT FCWC? There’s a link for that! Click HERE (but look at the deadlines below first).

November 1: Applications open to teach at FCWC
December 31: Applications close to teach at FCWC
January 15: Directors choose and notify teachers for upcoming conference

(Please note: Freelancers who hope to teach a workshop need to be registered as a conferee unless otherwise notified by the directors.)



Welcome to the Florida Christian Writers Conference! We are so glad you stopped by to check out what we have in store for you this year. This conference is nestled in the heart of Florida at Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center. The sunrises and sunsets are breathtaking, and the spreading oak trees beckon you to sit beneath their limbs and write a page or two in your journal.

It’s an opportune week to meet agents and editors, award-winning writers and others who have heard the same call to write. Come attend workshops and continuing classes that will sharpen your pen, develop your platform, and strengthen your resolve. Critique groups, meetings with agents and editors, writing contests, and camaraderie with fellow writers make this week one to remember.

If you have a book inside of you, if you have the dream to publish that book, and you don’t know where to begin, come be encouraged and trained at Florida Christian Writers Conference.