One of the greatest minds of our time--or any time--Loyd Boldman was a true treasure within the membership of Word Weavers International. As one of our earliest members (with Word Weavers Orlando), Loyd designed our two interchangeable logos. He won multiple awards (both within Word Weavers Orlando and when we were a part of the Christian Writers Guild), and was presented a prestigious award by Jerry B. Jenkins, himself.
Loyd was a pioneer in Christian rock music with his band, Prodigal. They were not only Dove Award winners, but they also broke ground with one of the first-ever Christian music videos, "Wall of Sound." Beyond music, Loyd was gifted in design and writing. He was called a "true Renaissance Man."
On April 22, 2014, Loyd left our "family" to be with Jesus personally. While he will be forever missed by those who knew and loved him, it is with great honor that Word Weavers International and Florida Christian Writers Conference presents The Loyd A. Boldman Memorial Scholarship Award toward full tuition at FCWC.
How to Enter:
Email your submission to [email protected] with the subject line: LOYD A. BOLDMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP
Answer the following questions:
1. How long have you been writing?
2. My main writing genre is ...
3. My road to publishing looks like this:
4. When I pray about my writing, I ask God ...
5. The most important reason to attend FCWC, for me, is ...
6. I am asking for this scholarship because ...
7. Submit below no more than 1,000 words of your work in progress or a work you have completed
Submissions must be received by August 1, 2025.
Submissions will be assigned a number and will be reviewed by Carol S. Boldman and the winner chosen by her. (Carol will not see a name attached to the submission.)
The winner of the full scholarship ($550 for commuters, $850 for noncommuters/Thursday through Sunday) will be notified and announced no later than August 15, 2025. All others will be offered a partial scholarship by FCWC based on funds available. Scholarship is for those registered for a full conference only, both commuters and noncommuters.
How to Enter: Send an email with the following information:
1. Your name
2. The year(s) you have attended FCWC (Remember, you must have attended previously)
3. How long you have worked at your craft
4. What winning this scholarship would mean to you at this time
That's it. Return to [email protected] with BRUCE BRADY in the subject line no later than the end of the day, August 1, 2025. The winners will be notified by email no later than August 15, 2025. We will award two $200 scholarships for those noncommuters registered for the full conference only.
The James L. “Van” Purvis Memorial FCWC Scholarship*
To honor her brother, FCWC director, Eva Marie Everson, has established the James L. "Van" Purvis FCWC scholarship. This year she is awarding 1 scholarship at $400 and 2 scholarships at $200. To enter, send an email to [email protected] with JLP Scholarship in the subject line. In the email box, answer the following questions:
1. My main writing genre is ...
2. When I pray about my writing, I ask God ...
3. I am asking for this scholarship because ...
4. Submit below no more than 1,000 words of your work in progress or a work you have completed
Submissions must be received by August 1, 2025. Winners will be notified by email by August 15, 2025. This scholarship is for those registered for the full conference only, both commuters and noncommuters.