Sharron Cosby

Sharron recently retired after twenty-three years as the Legal Department Director for The Salvation Army, Florida Division. Her position provided many opportunities to write, receive, and read scores of letters, emails, and memos. Her love of writing and reading spilled into her job as she incorporated proper business writing into various trainings she prepared and led across Florida. She infused the Word Weavers method of praise, polish, and praise into her presentations.

Sharron is a multi-award-winning author who loves to share God’s message through her devotions, stories, and poems.

She is currently the President of the Tampa Word Weavers Chapter and Mentor to three chapters.

Sharron holds a B.A. in English from Judson Women’s College and a B.S. in Paralegal Studies from Samford University. She and her husband, Dan, recently celebrated 50 years of marriage and are the proud parents of three children, seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.