SonShine Awards

Are you ready to be an award-winning author or writer?

Submit to our contest and you may hear your name called at our “Just Deserts” Desserts awards program Saturday night.

Please note that if an entry has been entered into a previous FCWC contest and won, it may not be entered again. However, if the piece did not win first place, it may be entered again, but the second time is the final opportunity for that piece to be entered.

Here are the categories and submission instructions for your UNPUBLISHED and UNCONTRACTED works:


Genre Guidelines

Submit a nonfiction article of no more than 1,000 words.

Bible Studies

Submit an outline, plus first 1,000 words.

Children's Early Reader

Submit a one paragraph summary, plus first 500 words,

Children's Picture or Board Book

Submit the entire work, without graphics. PLEASE tell us if it’s a BOARD BOOK or PICTURE BOOK


Submit the Bible verse and short prayer/inspirational saying (not included as part of 300 word limit)

PLUS up to three devotions that are up to 300 words each. The devotions do not need to be related in content. Email each devotion SEPARATELY, with its own cover sheet. Do not send one email with three devotions on it. 

Flash Fiction (A short story of no more than 1000 words.) Submit entire piece.
Middle Grade Books

Fiction or Nonfiction: Submit a one paragraph summary, plus first 1,000 words.

Nonfiction Books
(6 cats.)

Submit a one paragraph summary, plus first 1,500 words.
Devotional, General Nonfiction, Memoir, Christian Life, Inspiration/Gift

Novels (6 cats.)

Submit a one paragraph summary, plus first 1,500 words.
Indicate: Contemporary/Contemporary Women’s, Historical/Biblical,
 Mystery/Suspense, Romance, Romantic Suspense, Speculative/Fantasy.
Submissions can only be entered in one category, with only one submission per category.


Submit up to 3 poems, single spaced. No more than 1 page per poem. Email each poem SEPARATELY, with its own cover sheet. Do not send one email with three poems on it. 

Short Story

(A work of fiction of no more than 7,500) Submit a one paragraph summary, plus first 1,500 words 

YA Fiction

Submit a one paragraph summary, plus first 1,500 words

YA Nonfiction

Submit a one paragraph summary, plus first 1,500 words


Mail your check to:

PO BOX 520224

Longwood, FL 32752


DEADLINE: September 30

Checks must be RECEIVED no later than the deadline date (which means you should mail it before the 23rd)




The judges reserve the right to switch the category for an entry, to cancel a category if the number of entries is insufficient,

or to decide not to have a winner if the level of the best entries is not up to publishing industry standards.